Un'altra storia...La pizza fritta può essere gustata al “naturale”, o ancor meglio farcita con i più svariati ingredienti quali in particolare la ricotta di bufala, il prosciutto cotto, il salame, oppure può essere ricoperta di sugo al pomodoro con un’abbondante spolverata di parmigiano e una profumata foglia di basilico fresco.
Another story ... The fried pizza can be enjoyed at the "natural," or even better stuffed with various ingredients such as in particular the buffalo ricotta, ham, salami, or it can be covered with tomato sauce with a generous sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and a fragrant leaf of fresh basil.
Another story ... The fried pizza can be enjoyed at the "natural," or even better stuffed with various ingredients such as in particular the buffalo ricotta, ham, salami, or it can be covered with tomato sauce with a generous sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and a fragrant leaf of fresh basil.
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